Saturday, May 05, 2012

Guilty, as Charged: A Saturday Snapshot

I am guilty, yes, of wishing I was this young again.
This was taken in the backyard of my youthful residence, on Argyle Street, on the prairies of Saskatchewan, Canada.
Wow -- to be this cute again, would be nice.
A recent photograph would not be nearly as universally endearing.
I long for the pristine teeth, and full head of hair. And brain full of lofty ideals.
However, as a wise
old man once said:
The complete life, the perfect pattern, includes old age as well as youth and maturity. The beauty of the morning and the radiance of noon are good, but it would be a very silly person who drew the curtains and turned on the light in order to shut out the tranquility of the evening. Old age has its pleasures, which, though different, are not less than the pleasures of youth.
-- W. Somerset Maugham --

Thank you Alyce, for hosting this terrific Saturday Snapshot meme @ At Home With Books.


(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Cute. It is sometimes hard to look back at those youthful photos of ourselves and wonder "where did the years go"?

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Very cute photo. Reminds me of my sons, with the longer hair and bangs.

I do like taking trips down memory lane via photos.

I love the quote; a great reminder that all phases of life have positive notes.


Anonymous said...

I totally agree with the quote. Yes, it might be nice to have some aspects of our physical youth, but there are compensations. LOL

BurtonReview said...

Cute photo, and great quote.
Youth, sigh. But nice how it comes full circle with my children.
My Snapshot.
PS Hope you are enjoying Corrections! It's been on my TBR forever. Actually on my desk for several years.

Trish said...

What a fabulous quote. I have a number of Maugham quotes - I'll have to add that one to my collection :) You were quite the dashing young fellow!

Annie @ButteryBooks said...

Sweet! I so would've had a crush on you when I was that age. I love the hair!

Susan Lindquist said...

What beautiful quote and what a lovely young man still alive and well in the casing of an older and wiser soul ...

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

What a great photo and reflection!

Laura BurgandyIce said...

The joys of youth!!! Looks like days of no responsibilities. Great pic!

-Burgandy Ice

gautami tripathy said...

So so good...!!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Eva @View from the Hillside said...

Nice photo, and I love what you wrote too.

Alyce said...

I remember hearing the phrase, "Youth is wasted on the young" when I was growing up (first time I heard it was on It's a Wonderful Life). I remember being offended at the time. Now, I'm only in my mid-thirties and I'm already wishing I had the good health and energy that I did when I was a kid. And the number of times I look back and think, "If I knew then what I do now..." has been increasing with my age. :)

Bookzilla said...

My favorite part is the plaid pants. :) Reminds me of pictures I've seen of my father when he was that age and a little older. It's always surreal to look back at younger versions of yourself. Sometimes you just want to go back.

Here's my Saturday Snapshot!

sim@chapter1-take1 said...

I always look forward to your photos and comments! I enjoy reading your philosophical take on things. And I completely concur with your sentiments. Don't you wish you could just walk around with this picture plastered on your shirt - look how cute I am!
And yet, Monsieur Cipriano, you are so warm, wise and wonderful now. I love having you for a blogging friend, even if we only meet up once a week.

Lisa said...

Yeah, I've gotta say he's nice looking young kid who would probably choose different pants if he could do it all over. :)

Here are my British Snapshots

Bev Hankins said...

What a great picture! Yes, it's nice to look back on when we were younger and carefree. And I love the quote too.

Here's my Snapshot

Cathy said...

And here I take a look at childhood photos of myself and think, "Who's that???"