Splash du Jour: Thursday
When I'm doing the first draft, I have a so-much-a-day schedule. But when I start putting it on the computer I can get carried away, and I try to go as far as I can every day, as if I were going to die in the night or something.
-- Alice Munro –Have a great Thursday!
I wanted to let you know how much I am enjoying your blog--I've started reading it recently. Can you tell me where the Anna Quindlen quote from a few days ago came from?
Judy (librarian from Colorado)
Hi Judy.
That Anna Quindlen quote is from a book of hers called Living Out Loud, and it is a collection of over 60 syndicated columns she wrote for The New York Times. Part of her "Life in the 30's" series.
I'm glad that you are enjoying my musings and book-ramblings.
All the best to you.
(I WISH I was a librarian. No joke.)
It's never too late--I started library school when I was 50, finished in a couple of years and have been in my first real library job for 3 years now! Thanks for the info on Anna Quindlen--I haven't read that book yet.
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