I WILL see Rogers Waters LIVE, in Montreal, on Sept.21st, 2006.
I can’t wait!
Those tickets are mine. And very close to the stage.
I will probably die!
I’ve written before, of how much I would love to see any show, starring Roger Waters.
It would be impossible to exaggerate just how much I love his music, and in fact, all of the music of Pink Floyd, of whom Waters is a primary player. [Even now, I am listening to the latest David Gilmour on my Mac iTunes.]
As most of you will know, Gilmour and Waters are the guitarist/vocalist and bass player/vocalist [respectively] with the legendary British phenom-psychadelic band, Pink Floyd. Both were also writers. Lyricists.
The present-day rivalry between these two musical geniuses is intense. In fact, I read one report that stated they were offered a contract worth $250,000,000 to tour together this year (2006). Instead, they have chosen to tour separately, as solo artists. That’s quite the rivalry. Quite the irreconcilable differences exist, between them.
Gilmour’s new CD, On An Island is great stuff. It is quite mellow. Poetic lyrics, spun by his wife, Polly Samson. Quiet, thoughtful pieces.
But Waters.
Waters is simply incredible. At all times! Off the scale! My preference. My preference is Waters.
His concert DVD entitled In The Flesh (2000) is my favorite concert of all time. I must have watched this thing a hundred times.

I think it is an example of the finest musicianship in the world today. And almost all of the same musicians are joining Waters for this year’s tour. My opinion is that everyone currently living should have this concert in their DVD rack. And CD rack, as well.
There was also a concert entitled Pulse (a Gilmour-run “Pink Floyd” tour, which included other band members like Nick Wright and Rick Mason) and I’ve got to admit, this concert is absolutely incredible, too. And there is good news. Finally, after more than a decade… it is being released on DVD on July 11th, 2006!
Tonight, this very night, the Roger Waters tour is in Oslo, Norway.
I keep track!
You could say I am a huge Pink Floyd fan.
You could say that I am going to see a great concert in September.
Finally! I’ll be there! In the flesh!
Congratulations Cip! But don't you think you could show at least a little enthusiasm for this guy? I mean really, come on, your blase attitude is ever so disappointing. You're usually so expressive, so opinionated and fascinating and to see (read) you this restrained...well, words just fail me.
Nice! I see the tickets say Dark Side of the Moon on them. Is that just the name of the tour or is he doing the Dark Side album? That would be awesome. Are you a fan of the laser light shows too?
Congrats on the bids. Have fun at Roger Waters Live!
Just to check in quickly...yes...I enjoy The Pillars of Earth a lot! I'm glad I went to grab that one, although it's huge (I purchased the trade paperback so its hmmm like 970 pages long).
I just finished the part when Kingsbridge church was caught on fire. Like around p.360 - I started it yesterday! Will keep you posted on it....
My brother's wedding is on Sat...I'll be back to this side of the world Monday. Cheers...
I will try to be a little more "into it" especially as the day approaches...
Actually, he will be doing the ENTIRE Dark Side of the Moon, every song. I am a fan of everything Pink Floydian, lasers and all.
Hope you are having [have had] a great time at the wedding.
Hope you continue to enjoy the book. Aliena was one of the most noblest characters I have ever met.
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