Went out, with a poof of over-heated dismay.
There was no smoke, except for the stuff coming out of my ears!
At that time, a friend of mine came to my rescue.
He was willing to sell me his 8-month old [hell, just a new-born…] MAC Power Book G4.
So, I thought that tonight I would give you a little MAC-update.
What is my current opinion of my decision back then?
I cannot see myself ever owning a "regular" PC [laptop or otherwise] ever again. Not saying that won’t happen, but I am just saying it will happen against my will!
I’ve been fully MAC-ed!
The machine is superior, that is all there is to it.
And in so many ways that I don’t know where to begin.
I mean, the graphics are about 600 times nicer than my old e-machines© [God rest its e-soul] machine.
I am not a gamer, but what I am referring to is the flat-out graphics of the images I post on my blogs.
My God, viewing bookpuddle [or anyone else’s blog] on this MAC and then viewing the same pages in any non-MAC environment is like…. umm… the difference between lying on your back and looking at the sky, and…. umm, putting a pillowcase over your head, and then lying back and looking at the sky!
Yeah! That’s about it.
There are no over-heating issues. NONE!
No virus issues. NONE!
The iTunes program has revolutionized how I listen to music.
The friend who sold me this thing went and bought the new MacPro laptop, and he loves it. What can one say?
No wonder some people get their heads shaved, leaving only the Apple logo visible!

Wanna watch an amazing speech by Mr. Apple? [Steve Jobs]
When you get there click on "Watch the keynote address.”
Oh yes, and one more thingy…. to SEE it real good, you’ll have to running a Mac!
Spoken like a true believer. As you continue in your journey you'll discover greater truths about Mac World. Who knows, one day you might obtain iMac or even Mac Pro! Hallelujah!
Of course, you'll probably wait until I upgrade again. Then you'll buy mine at a ridiculously low price. But, hey, in this Mac movement some of us have to count the cost and pay the price to see other come into the fold.
Nice to hear from you my friend!
Yes, I will wait [once again] until you move on, and I will [once again] pay you for the out-dated crumbs that fall from your table.
But you've made a Mac-Man out of me!
And that's all that matters!
Ah yes. It warms the cockles of my heart to read of your complete conversion! Congrats!
Very soon I'll be updating myself, to a brand new G5....can't wait!! Though my bank account, I'm sure, can wait a little longer....
Oh, and yes, that keynote address by Jobs was amazing. Everyone on the planet should read it.
yay for Macs and the people who love them! I would love one of the new Mac Books but I am sooo attached to my Powerbook I can't bear to say goodbye.
And isn't it wild, folks.... fellow Mac-ers?
How that recently, Mac laptop batteries are being recalled?
The first negative news about anything Mac-related, in the history of the world as we know it?
I still say... KEEP MAC-ING!
Vive le Mac!
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