So much so, that I cannot come up with a good literary, bookish, Splash du jour.
No, all I am thinking about is that in less than eleven hours I will be AT this concert which I have patiently waited for, for so long.
Roger Waters.
TONIGHT! 8:00 p.m. EST.
I am leaving soon…. skipping work. To be there.
The Bookpuddle blog may be empty for a while, as a result of my…. recuperation!
Shine on -- you crazy diamonds!
-- Cipriano.
Have a great Thursday!
A friend of mine just saw him about a week ago in Philly and loved the show. Have a great time!
Rock on...er, or something to that effect and don't come back gloating. ;-)
See you on the dark side of the moon!
Have fun, you crazy hippie freak, you!
You gonna wear your bell bottoms?
Absolutely unbelievable.
I cannot convey to you all adequately, in human words, how great this concert was.
I am in the hotel lobby, across the street from the venue.
I would have paid twice as much for this concert [which would amount to $320.... and would not have felt cheated.
He is a god.
Thank you for all your comments and well-wishes.
Glad to hear that you had a great time!!
Yes, I really had a great time. I am wondering if maybe I should write a blog about the concert. But I am hoping that words will not taint such a holy time!
I have a renewed appreciation of the musicianship, the excellence that is a part of everything Roger Waters does.
You need to write a post about the concert! I need details!
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