Thursday, May 03, 2007

Splash du Jour: Thursday

I was at this restaurant. The sign said "Breakfast Anytime."
So I ordered French Toast in the Renaissance.

-- Steven Wright –

Have a great Thursday!


  1. I would go for breakfast at Hadrian's villa outside Rome, on a Sunday morning (if you ever travel to Rome, don't miss this, even without bacchanalia, and do go very early Sunday morning - it's magic. I'd even have a suggestion for an intellectual's book paradise, btw *g*).

  2. I love Stephen Wright.

  3. I love these quotations.
    Much better than The Globe and Mail's Morning Smile/Groan...

  4. The guy was definitely dropped as a baby. I love him, too.
    -- Cip

    Merisi... I need plane tickets. That is all I lacketh!


Thank you for your words!