Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Creature Comforts: The Zoo

Well, friends.
Have any of you ever heard of Creature Comforts?
I don’t know much about this phenomenon called Creature Comforts… but, I saw an episode on TV one time, about the topic of “Evolution” and I almost died.
I seriously think this is maybe the funniest CONCEPT ever…. interviewing ANIMALS on their opinions on a variety of topics… it is funny, funny, FUNNY!
I LOVE animals, and I mean, the production of Creature Comforts, the writing, the presentation, I really do not think it can be done any better than what these nutcases [whoever they may be] are doing.
So… here is one episode, [above] where the animals are being interviewed as to their opinion of the zoos wherein they are kept!
You-Tube© has TONS of these segments, to watch. I have yet to find that evolution one, but here I am presenting the one about Zoo Treatment!

Another TERRIFIC one is called “Secrets And Lies.”
Check that one out HERE.



  1. Oh my. the gorilla is hilarious And I love the little roo who disappears in one pouch and reappers in another!

  2. I can't believe I watched the whole thing!
    Loved the panda segment, the accents and the truck tire complaint from the monkey.
    I'm still smiling...

  3. It is hilarious, isn't it?
    I mean, the EXPRESSIONS on these animals, their gestures, and the accents.... it is all so good. So well-done!
    There are tons of clips, just like these, on You-Tube, and perhaps elsewhere, too.
    I am not sure which is my favorite piece... maybe the old lions, at the start? Priceless!

  4. Did you know that the creators actually ask regular people the questions and then created the animals to act them out? I think it makes the show even more amazing to watch.

    It always cracks me up that whenever a lion is being interviewed you can see the claymation hand holding the microphone and both are shaking in fear.


Thank you for your words!