No, I was ignored. When anyone took any notice it was to point out what a twit I was, and laugh at me. This was the best possible preparation for the life of a novelist. If you have grown-ups fussing over you and encouraging you and taking an interest, you begin to think you're important, and furthermore that you need and deserve their attention. After a while you become incapable of working without someone else motivating you. You're much better off supplying your own energy, and writing in spite of the fact that no-one's interested, and even learning to put up with other people's contempt and ridicule. What do they know, anyway ? -- Phillip Pullman, in response to the question: Were you encouraged to be creative?
Over the holiday season I have been reading Philip Pullman’s His Dark Materials Trilogy, and I am thoroughly enjoying it. I am now halfway through the second book, entitled The Subtle Knife. Tomorrow [New Year’s Day] I intend on seeing the movie version of the first book, The Golden Compass…. starring my girlfriend, Nicole Kidman. But before that, I must put in an honest day’s work. Yes, work. No rest for the wicked. No rest for the horribly wicked! Check this out!
Happy New Year, you "horribly wicked man..."
You must introduce us to your girlfriend some day - perhaps Nicole could do a guest post on your blog!
Poor Cipriano, already back to work! It does not seem fair.
Happy New Year to you and Nicole :)
Just stopped by to say Happy New Year! Feel like I'm in the old west with all the guns going off! :D
I've been thinking of buying a $400golden telephone. Apparently Lindsay Lohan carries one around with her.
Happy New Year, Cippy! Stay warm and happy and well-read!
I cannot believe it that they made you work on New Year's Eve! I mean, is nothing sacred anymore?
Happy New Year (I sure hope the buggers did not force you to work today!)!
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