Seldom will I compel you to RUN to the store and buy a book.
Seldom is one as god… I mean as good as this one is, though.
And, it has just been issued in paperback format, [not only in the U.S., but also here in the Great White North, I saw it just tonight, in all of its shiny paperback glory, at Chapters…] so…. now you have no excuse.
The God Delusion is way cheaper now! They’re practically giving the thing away! So you should get one. You really should.
For former words I have spoken about this book:
Clicketh → HERE, and → HERE, and → HERE.
Also, another excellent, essential book…. Sam Harris’s, Letter To A Christian Nation is also out in paperback now! My former comments → HERE.
And while we're on the topic, if you do not read this other Harris book, well, we're just not on the same page, you and I.... → HERE.
Everyone who is human should read these books. Both of them.
Thus saith the [heathen] prophet Cipriano!
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