Monday, July 14, 2008

The Underdog Book Club©

The Underdog Book Club©

When it really comes down to it folks, I am not a reader of Best-sellers.
In fact, I tend to gravitate toward lesser-known books… the sleepers.
The ones on the back shelf of some used bookstore.
I like to prowl the remaindered section of the local Mega-Bookstore.
I gravitate toward stuff other people don’t want to read.
Best-seller, Best-SHMELLER….. am I right?

With this in mind, I want to announce something that has been in the works for a while now.
I’m starting a new Reading Group and inviting all and sundry to join me.
If you feel the same as I do, and have the urge to read books that have only barely made it onto the WORST-seller List… then you need to join The Underdog Book Club©.
And here’s the neat thing!
I, Cipriano Bookpuddle, will SEND YOU THE BOOK, FREE OF CHARGE!
Getting your silly paws on such obscure books would not be easy, so I will only select books that I myself inexplicably have a stack of, here at Bookpuddle Headquarters!
I’ll send you one, and we will get rolling!

So, without further ado, let me introduce you to the inaugural book!
I’ve got about twenty of them, sitting here!
[This is so exciting!]
OK, it’s from the earlier work of the legendary writer, Fred Haley.
If you want one, just let me know!
You can view the cover of the book HERE.



  1. Wow, that one looks scary! Maybe I'll participate for the next unknown book?

  2. You tricked me.
    (I think...I hope...)

  3. have twenty or so of these just lying around?!?!?
    Ok, I'm game. I'm in dammit. If it was published it can't be quite as bad as the cover infers...can it? Do they really publish books for shits and giggles alone?!?!?
    You know where I am, I'm the concierge here at your homie's headquarters.
    p.s. your ****ellent movie is being transformed into a new and improved version today...

  4. Oh my. What a cover! I haven't seen that one before.

  5. That looks perfect for the worst seller list! I'm in!!!

  6. Seeing as this sells on the internet @ over $850.00 CND, you must be either a crook, rich or crazy.


  7. Holy crap, LBR!
    Are you serious?
    I could retire on selling my pile of original Haleys here!


Thank you for your words!