-- Mark Twain, Preface to Tom Sawyer --
Just a bit of an update here on my Reading Exploits.
It is seldom, and I mean an extremely rare occasion for me to bale out on a book.
But I did so, today.
I could not finish William Golding's The Spire.
I'm sorry Mr. Golding. I tried.
I tried to concentrate. But you lost me!
Perhaps I should not say more than that this was a book that did not appeal to me... the more I read it.
I stopped reading at about page 185 of 223.
Think about that for a minute. I could not even endure the last 17% of a novel?
I could not.
Shouldn't that most often be the best portion?
I did not care what happened to that damn spire at this point!
Sitting there in the Starbucks, I just happened to have The Adventures of Tom Sawyer in my backpack.
[One must always have a backup plan!]
And wow! I am just LOVING this book!
This kid is just a wild wild hoot! He is ten bags of mischief!
Reminds me of when I was young and similarly demon-possessed.
Digging into Twain [I wonder if he's related to Shania?]..... umm..... digging into this terrific book after where I've been for the past few days, ahhh....
It's like landing a big ol' bass free-casting, after days of fruitless trolling.
It's like tipping back a frosty-glassed [it's gotta be red] Kool-Aid on a hot summer day!
Or better yet, for us older kids.... an Old Milwaukee!
Great idea to have a backup in your backpack! But really, don't the Canadians have any good beer brands you could try?!!!
I know your frustration, Cipriano. I read half of Crime and Punishment before I decided I did not care for it at all. Classic or not, that book is damned boring. Other than Razumihin, I didn't care for anyone in it!
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