Splash du Jour: Monday
Writers are said to have superstitions and little rituals. Readers have them too. Mine was to hold my bookmark curled between my fingers and stroke it with my thumb as I read. Late at night, when the time came to put my book away, my ritual was to touch the bookmark to my lips, and set it between the pages before closing the book and putting it on the floor by my chair, where I could reach for it easily next time.
-- Ian McEwan, Sweet Tooth --
Any interesting bookmark rituals out there?
Have a great Monday!
Good morning, Canada!
I am afraid I have no interesting bookmark ritual. Unless the fact that I never have a bookmark handy when I need one and therefore using anything from reading glasses to coffee house receipts instead.
Now, what is your ritual when you put your book down at night?
Wishing you a wonderful week,
P.S.: Mangled English, that. *screech*
Sometimes, but not always, it seems important to me to match the bookmark to the book, whether by colour composition or theme -- some bookmarks are just meant to go with certain books.
The ritual McEwan writes about strikes me as a little weird though.
OCD bookmark rituals, you mean? No...but I do like to use ribbons that match the colour of the book. If possible. Or else I'll just stick a post-it in there ;)
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