Saturday, May 04, 2013

Meet Kennedy: A Saturday Snapshot

Some of you may be aware that just two months ago I lost my beloved cat Jack of nearly 13 years -- and by "lost" I mean I had to put him down as he was very ill with a tumor on his tongue.
Well -- one week ago I acquired a new cat -- his name is Kennedy.
A co-worker of mine was moving and had to get rid of this fine cat because… well, it's a long story. So when he mentioned it I was all "Hmmm… am I ready for this?"
I went to his place to meet the cat and instantly knew, "Oh yeah. I'm ready!"
He is adorable -- not that I am comparing him to Jack or anything like that -- [Blasphemy!] -- but, in his own way, Kennedy is proving to be the perfect room-mate. I already love him, and have taken him to his first vet appointment. 

The vet said that K's only issue is that he could [ahem]… stand to lose some weight!
So I am adjusting his food intake. But he is playful and so loveable -- what a little darling. He is about a year and a half old -- and already has a serious addiction to catnip!
So there you go! My new buddy! Kennedy. "Kenny" for short.

Thank you Alyce, for hosting this terrific Saturday Snapshot meme @ At Home With Books.


  1. He's Beautiful! He's so lucky he had you to adopt him.

  2. Kennedy is beautiful! And well done you, for adopting. :)

  3. what a handsome cat; beautiful markings. so happy for both of you.

  4. I'm experiencing serious cat envy right now - he's gorgeous. It's amazing how quick a pet can creep in under our defenses and win us over:-)

  5. What a cutie! Congratulations!

  6. I guess you can't go wrong with a Kennedy....
    Beautiful cat though.
    I know that you'll enrich one anothers' lives.
    Have a great week.

  7. He's lovely! and it sounds like you're a good fit for each other.

    We can never replace the cats we've lost, but there's always room for new friends.

  8. What a pretty kitty! Very neat that you found such a lovely cat at the right time.

  9. Aw, I'm so glad you made a home for Kennedy!

  10. What a handsome guy. I'm sure you both will enjoy each other. Here's Mine

  11. Kennedy is rather lovely. I like the way he is looking you in the eye in the first photo.

  12. A great solution for the both of you! How wonderful.

  13. What a gorgeous fellow he is. He has wonderful markings, it looks like a butterfly on his back, and the peek of his tail looks wonderfully stripy. So lucky for both of you.... I wasn't ready for a new cat after my last one for about 7 years. I'm ready now, but have a dog that hates cats, it wouldn't work right now.

  14. He looks like the cutest cat. The good thing about love is that you don't get less of it when sharing.

  15. Oh Cip, Kennedy is beautiful! He also manages to have both a troublemaker look and an I'm-so-cute-and-cuddly look about him at the same time.

  16. Thank you all for visiting my blog, and meeting Kenny.
    Stefanie, you have it exactly right. He is a troublemaker, and also cuddly, for sure.

  17. He looks so handsome. I love cats too. Enjoy your new companion.

  18. What a lovely cat! How fortunate that your coworker had you to take on this lucky creature. Glad you felt ready for him -- he'll have a wonderful new home.


Thank you for your words!