Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Splash du Jour: Wednesday

What is Beautiful?

The topic was human relationships. Not sunsets.
Or rabbits. Or cuteness. Or the full moon at night.
One said That surety of each other. Trust. Faith.
The campfire gave a little burst -- as if agreeing.

One looked away. The ability to laugh together.
Far off an owl hooted -- several heads nodding.
Quiet. A ubiquitous goofball mumbled Good sex.
I bent forward to kill flames from a marshmallow.

And I felt it in the exhalation. The perfect answer.
In the distance a clattering train let loose a moan.
Still holding hands when you are old and grey?
Pretty good I must admit. But then I said the word.

-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2013 --

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. I. Love. This.

    Seriously. I read all the way downly to find out which book it was from so that I could buy it and it turned out to be you!

    Best thing I've read on here all year so far mate.

    John aka Arukiyomi

  2. Thank you for this kind and generous comment John!

  3. LOL...your post made me chuckle. We have 3 cats and they do have minds of their own, but I think your on to something with the "neutering payback". I love his name: Kennedy:)

  4. Wow! Loved the poem!
    "Good sex" was also a good answer, by the way. It, too, is beautiful.

    Forgiveness, though. Now that's difficult. Beauty unattainable?



Thank you for your words!