Friday, November 07, 2014

You Know You're A Book Addict When...

… you use your last remaining vacation day of the year to attend a used booksale!
That's what I did today. I had one more work-free day for the year 2014, so i "booked" it off specifically to be able to give my full attention -- early in the morning -- to the Annual Rockcliffe Bookfair. There I was standing outside in the freezing cold with the other shivering lunatics this morning, waiting for the doors to open.
I sort of placed a restriction on myself though -- I brought along this orange shopping bag and committed myself to not exceeding its capacity, unlike other years where I fill an empty refrigerator box and then find I cannot move the thing to the car! This year I brought it down to about 30 books, all strategically crammed into this bag. Great books. Terrific books. And the whole shmeer only cost me $60.00. Now, back at my apartment I have a new dilemma. Nowhere to PUT them all! 

I've run out of shelves. Which is, by the way, the second sign that you're a book addict!


  1. Awesomeness! You demonstrated great self-control. Looks like a terrific haul, too.

  2. 27 books on day one and 21 more today. I have nowhere to put them either which is why tomorrow I am going to buy a new bookshelf. I love acting a bit loony over books!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. That looks like a pretty big bag to me, dude. :-)

  5. What else are vacation days for? I love big booksales. Though I could probably hold one of my own in my basement someday soon... I hear you on the lack of storage space!

  6. Strategic bag packing indeed! Well done!


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