Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Splash du Jour: Wednesday

A wardrobe that belonged to the Lewis family is now in the Marion E. Wade Center at Wheaton College in Wheaton, Illinois, where anyone can visit it.
Lewis’s writing desk and a vast collection of personal letters and other memorabilia, such as a pen, pipe and a well-worn tea mug, are also there.
The wardrobe is seven feet tall and four feet wide and is filled with period-style coats, including one that belonged to Lewis’s brother, Warren.

There is a sign on the wardrobe door:
“Enter at your own risk. The Wade Center assumes no responsibility for persons who disappear or who are lost in the wardrobe.”

It makes me wish I knew someone in Illinois so that I could be taken on a tour of this place one day....

Have a great Wednesday!


  1. My sister-in-law lives in Schaumburg which is just north of Wheaton. I'll be there over the holidays. I'm a Lewis fan also-if time permits and the college is open I'll take a look on behalf of us both....provided I don't disappear!

  2. If you do get there, promise me you will open the door, peer through the coats. See if you can catch a glimpse of Mr. Tumnus, or at least the glowing lantern....


Thank you for your words!