Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Splash du Jour: Wednesday

-- The Prayer of Bookpuddle --

Dear God:
All I want is a little bookstore like this. I want to own it, I mean.
Just like this one in the picture would be fine.
Inside I would like to have two resident [declawed] cats, named Tolstoy and Flaubert.
Plus, towards the back of the place, a little coffee area, where lyricless ambient music plays and there are comfortable chairs. [Is this too much to ask? Is it?]

It will just be called “Bookstore”. That’s good enough. I think I’m done.
No, wait. I want it to be a lucrative venture. I want the quaintness and the cuteness and all,
but I would sort of also like to make a bit of a killing at the same time.

[Is this too much to ask? Is it?]
Please see what you can do!

Your Humble Servant
Cipriano Bookpuddle

Have a great Wednesday, y’all!


  1. I have heard you my chold and will consider your prayer.

  2. Sorry for the spelling mistake earlier. Spelling has never been my strong suit and the computer I have up here has the spell-check on the fritz! I will get back to you on your request...

  3. Powers That Be: My fondest wish is almost the same-except my cats' names would be Thoreau and Emerson. I don't need to make a killing, just enought to be comfortable. I'll call mine Books & Such I think, since I'd like to have the coffee, some Moleskine notebooks, pens, stationary, candles and such-all good things to make reading just that more pleasurable. So please grant my fondest desire as well since I'm in a different country and there won't be any competition.

  4. Hey, I must say, that is the first time that "God" ever responded to a blog of mine. Excellent.
    I clicked on the link, and I went to the site and became an ordained minister!
    So now, I will be an ORDAINED bookstore-owner.
    I will not only find you that elusive book you were after, but I can also marry and/or bury you [some say these two activities are more intrinsically related to each other than we realize up front]... I can christen, baptize. The works!

  5. Are you taking applications? If I can't own that bookstore, I'd love to work in it!

  6. piksea.
    You're hired.
    Now.... Flaubert hacked up a hairball in Aisle 5, between William Morris and Toni Morrison. Can you clean that up please?
    The Boss.

  7. Hah!
    And you know what the problem is though, piksea?
    I do, too! I need a raise. Even me, in upper management, and all!


Thank you for your words!