Just sitting here listening to the B-52’s.
Yes, you heard right!
The B-52's!
You may have noticed that this page has been fairly…. umm… unbloggified, as of late.
This is because I have been diagnosed with a terminal illness.
Causes: Working too much. Tired to a state just this side of what is known as “comatose.”
Symptoms: Cacophanal snoring when attempting to blog. Passing out and forgetting to breathe. May be accompanied with dreams of being locked away in a small room with Nicole Kidman and Keira Knightley. Usually followed by an air-raid siren and/or bleating alarm clock.
Cure: Quitting my job and becoming professional blogger… or running off with Keira.
Seriously though, my apologies for being so lame, as of late.
I’ve been working late.
Tired. Overworked. Way underpaid. Under-appreciated.
Severely under-worshipped.
Just so your time here is not a complete waste tonight....
The sun is about four hundred times as big across as the moon is, but it is also about four hundred times as far away. This means that the two objects look almost exactly the same size.
Now you know!
Who is this Keira Knightley you speak so highly of??? Must be worthy of a blog entry herself? I'm sure you can link her to some book you've read!!!