Thursday, August 23, 2007

Mama Bookpuddle

I am heartened by how so many of you have repeatedly mentioned my mother and have asked how she is doing since she took ill last week. On my blog and also by email, so many of you have expressed concern. Thank you.
Mom is back at her apartment and enjoying life.
She is recuperating, not yet able to see her friends as much as she wants to, but she assures me she will be fine. While in hospital, she received five units of transfused blood.

To give you an indication of what a little trouper she is, her exact words to me on the phone last night were, “I feel great after that major oil change!”
Sometimes she is so hilarious.
I look forward to seeing her at Christmas time.
So, thank you all once again for your kind thoughts toward Mama Bookpuddle.
If you would like an example of what a nutbar she can be, READ THIS!



  1. So now we know where you get your sense of humour.
    So glad to hear your mother is home and doing well.

  2. I'm glad she's doing well!

  3. Obviously that's where you got your crazy fun sense of humour! And boy can I ever see you in her lovely face.

    Sending good thoughts and hugs and kisses to both you and your mom...

  4. I feel a sense of relief after reading that your mother is doing well. :)

    Best wishes to your family.

  5. Glad your mom is doing so well. And as Beth said, now I know where you get your sense of humor :)


Thank you for your words!