Sunday, June 20, 2010

lengthy applause...

The funeral for Jose Saramago took place today, in Lisbon Portugal.
This, from a news release, moved me to tears -- After the official eulogy, the coffin covered in a national flag was lifted to lengthy applause.
I still find it difficult to believe that he is no longer here… here where we are.
And only minutes ago I learned from an equally heartbroken Saramago devotee that there is another novel to be released.
My joy at learning of this is tempered with the fact that it shall be posthumous.
Our last look at his words.
Along with his book of notes, [The Notebook] released just a few months ago and patiently sitting on my coffee-table yonder… what remains for me is to re-read all of his books. Lovingly, and slowly.
You can pre-order The Elephant's Journey by clicking on the image of the book!
Mr. Saramago offered this advice to readers: "I tell them to read my books out loud, and then they'll pick up the rhythm, because this is 'written orally.' It is the written version of the way people tell stories to each other."
Please read
--> THIS.

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