Friday, August 05, 2011

Splash du Jour: Friday


Nowadays, no walking is needed.
Plastic numbers will send tame ones

Around the globe at a click. Try it.

Think of someone in need, first.

Potted, wrapped, still dripping with dew.

Carded and be-ribboned, only idiots
And madmen sidestep such efficiency
Or walk somewhere.

I thought all of this before yesterday,
When… on a hillside I knelt as though

The world were a cathedral. And knew
That I can only enjoy this, by staying.

-- © Ciprianowords, Inc. 2008 --

Have a great Friday!


  1. I thought about commenting that "I hope you still stay there" - then again, I was afraid you'd misunderstand.
    So, I hope breath pure air and enjoy beautiful sights. Still.

  2. backinmyday7/8/11 8:37 pm

    I quite enjoy this poem. :)

  3. Thank you Merisi, and "backinmyday" for reading my poem.


Thank you for your words!