Friday, January 23, 2009

Splash du Jour: Friday

You ever find that your personality takes on some of the air of books you have read recently? I’m sure you do. If there is a word for that, let me know, and if not, let’s make one up. Something like “literated”.
It`s like being freed, and you run out in glee, only to realize that the cell is now only bigger. So you pick up a new book…

-- My “literated” nephew Chris, via email from Japan –

Have a great Friday!



Alyce said...

That is such a great quote and a great notion!

Melwyk said...

I quite often feel literated. Your nephew is a genius. Must run in the family.

Beth said...

I love the way your nephew's mind works.

Eva said...

Fun idea! It happens to me a lot. :)

Cipriano said...

Dear Respondents [All females]...
Yes, not only is my nephew a genius... but he is also 24% hotter than Brad Pitt in the latter stages of Benjamin Button!
I am waiting for him to send me something else equally erudite, at which time I shall post the quote, along with visual imagery........

Merisi said...

May the next quote of wisdom arrive soon, can't wait for the visuals! :-)

Girly greetings!