It's me.
Seems like the old man is waxing poetic again.
Now he's talking about cats, so I tuned in, to listen.
He came home from work, drank a couple beers, and then passed out on the couch. But just before he went into a coma, he jotted this stuff down and so now I am reading it.
If you ask me, he's got it all wrong.
For one thing, the "cooperative ones" are only adorable because they want treats!
And we hide behind the sofa mostly because we have better things to think about than how much you want to ruffle our whiskers while jabbering "Oh, puss puss puss puss puss!"
It has everything to do with our innate knowledge that we are better than humans.
And we purr because we can!
You can read his "work of art" here!
Jack Cat
Hey Jack Cat,
Cool post!
Love your blog. You have what I would call natural talent, Kid. Flair. Elan. Pizzaz!
That's some photo too. Is that your natural hair? Unretouched? Whoa, Baby. Those are some wicked keen tresses you got goin' there.
I like that you set the world straight on cat motives...but, you know, I don't know why we bother with the Humans. Like you say, we're superior. No need to flaunt what's painfully obvious.
Hey. Since this is a "literary" blog and all, wonderin' - Have you read any of T. S. Eliot's stuff? Like "Old Possum's Book of Practical Cats"?
How about Don Marquis' "archy and mehitabel"? She's been around, mehitabel has...some real good stuff there. Wouldn't mind chattin' with ya sometime about either one.
Well, gotta go. Naps to take, snacks to beg.
Great job there, Jack.
Keep it coming.
May all your catnip be fresh,
Richard Parker II
Ace High Acres Boss and Guard Cat
Comment from a CAT!
I like this.
[The old coot is still sleeping.]
Is Ace High Acres some sort of.... cattery?
"Guard Cat"... hmm... you must be on the ground floor huh? Me, I am up on the 14th floor. Nothing can get through the patio door but pigeons!
So I mostly just sleep!
-- Jack
Ace High Acres is. . . well, you'd have to see it. Like it's nice and all but they keep me inside. Birds, Baby? You want birds? She FEEDS them. Flocks of them - right under my nose practically. Redbirds, swallows, finches, even a little morsel of a hummingbird.
Would you believe?
But she won't let me out to - you know - have lunch with them.
Great to talk with you. Put up some more of those glamour shots.
Richard Parker II
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