I love it I love it I love it.
Such a rare occasion for me.
In fact, the main reason I am writing this blog right now is just to announce that someone else is working where I'm supposed to be working right now and it's not me because I am HERE, on luscious Vancouver Island totally -- NOT WORKING!
Enjoying a cup of coffee out on the deck with the sun beaming in, and Mt. Baker off to the left of me, as a background. CRAZY GORGEOUS.
Enjoying a really terrific book I started reading on the flight over here. Bel Canto by Ann Patchett.
Seriously now, if you have not read this book, dear Reader-Friend, you must make a point of watching for it.
Pick it up. Trust me, it's wonderful.
Now, on the Bookpuddle-Trivia side of things, I have a question.
Why is it that every time I travel anywhere on a plane, the razor blades miraculously detach themselves from the...... razor-blade holder thing?
I'm not kidding, this has happened so many times that I now know for sure that I am not imagining it.
This time, when I left home and packed my things, I took special note of the fact that my Gillette Mach3 Turbo-style shaver blade was firmly attached to the handle. Clicked in there, ready for use.
But again, as I unpack to use that Mach3 on my barb-wire face, the dang blade is separated from the handle. Free-floating in the nether regions of my...... cosmetics bag!
This is not a joke, I am being 100% serious. I am really wondering if anyone out there has an answer to this dilemma.
Does some sort of airport official root through my suitcase, go into the shave-kit and deliberately un-click the razor blades from their little holster?
If so.... why?
Or does the air pressure from where the bags are stowed do this somehow?

This little girl here, her name is Zoe [Greek word for "life"].
She's my sister's Yorkshire-Silky Terrier, and she definitely has a lot of life in her.
For a disturbing example of what we [sadistic] Western Canadians consider FAIR PLAY, click HERE.