All in all, it just keeps being great.
Even now, this very moment, I am sitting at an over-stuffed Chapters, in the Starbucks section, at one of the only free [much coveted] tables.
I have a great book beside me. They provide free refills of coffee here. In other words, things are great.
Admittedly, the word "great" means different things to different people.
Personally, I define it [in reference to weekends] according to a measurement of:
The Three Essential Criteria.
1) Coffee.
2) Hamburgers.
3) Reading time.
It's finding the right balance of these three things that ensures a "great" weekend for me. This weekend I am getting the perfect melange of all three.

The newly-released Chronic City, by Jonathan Lethem.
The sheer urbanity of the dust jacket drew me in. Reading the inner blurb intrigued me even further, because the book is set in a sort of alternative-reality Manhattan.
And I just like that kind of jazz.
But what really got me is the part that describes one of the central characters, a pop-critic named Perkus Tooth, "whose conspiratorial riffs are fueled by high-grade marijuana, mammoth cheeseburgers, and a desperate ache for meaning."
Did someone say, "mammoth cheeseburgers"?
I'm in!
As long as the word "mammoth" is being used as an adjective here, I guess.
Oh, but who am I kidding. I'd eat mammoth!
Anyhoo -- please forgive me this near substance-less blog. I'm just doing some light musing while high on caffeine. Chronic City is Lethem's eighth novel and I haven't read any of them.
Have any of my dear Bookpuddle friends read anything by this author?
If so, who is he comparable to?
What about birthday cake to go along with the hamburgers?
Haven’t read any of Lethem’s work – hope you bought that new one so you can review it for us. ;)
I haven't read anything by this author, but I like the cover too.
I was drawn into your post by the title just because I was out to dinner with a friend yesterday and her burger while not huge, was undercooked (bright red in the middle). I was so glad I ordered an omelet! :)
Yes -- to me, the perfect birthday cake would be a giant hamburger, hold the candles!
I did not buy the book -- my budget for the year is........ overspent!
Oooooh... I love beef, but yeah, it's gotta be well-cooked! Yikes. Undercooked cow, that is just not good.
My husband has read Letham and liked him and I have heard many good things about him. and if the book is about mammoth hamurgers then I think it must have been meant for you :)
Well, all I know about Lethem is that he is a fan of cartoonist Patricia Storms. So he's in.
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