Saturday, July 14, 2012

Curious Jack: A Saturday Snapshot

Yesterday, for the first time in my life, I bought some dirt.
Technically known as potting soil.
I have this one wild plant [its name is Robert Plant] that has been vigorously climbing its way up my kitchen wall, but it has outgrown its present environment.
So I went to Walmart and picked up a slightly larger pot, and some soil.
No sooner did I set this stuff on my coffee table when my cat Jack had to do some investigating of the new predicament.
He immediately assumed it was a new home for HIM. Crazy cat!

Thank you Alyce, for hosting this terrific Saturday Snapshot meme @ At Home With Books.


Christine Harding said...

I hope he didn't get his head stuck! He is a beautiful cat. My Snapshot is at

Cathy said...

I love watching amimals being nosy!

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Cats are so nosy. Jack is adorable.

Susan Lindquist said...

What a snoop! Haha!

Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

Cats just have to inspect everything! My Saturday Snapshot is a cat one too.

Louise said...

Robert Plant! I love it. Cats just can't help themselves.... too funny.

Melissa O. said...

LOL - animals are so funny. Love these pictures!

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Yes, cats do tend to make everything about

Great shots.


bermudaonion said...

That is hilarious!

Bev Hankins said...

There just might be something extraordinarily interesting at the bottom of that pot, you know. Gotta find out!

Here's my Snapshot.

Merisi in Vienna said...

Hilarious! Take about go eat dirt. ;-)

Alyce said...

That is so funny and cute!

Sim Carter said...

I used to have a Robert Plant as well as a Robert Palmer. Love that crazy Jack cat and how he knows the world revolves around him.
By the way, does it bother you to prove you're not a robot you have to type two word but the second 'word' isn't actually a word it's a number? Cuz it bothers me!

Eva said...

Cats usually considers anything new their business, ours certainly does. Good luck with your plant. I hope Jack doesn't decide to eat it or something. :-)

Cheryl @ Tales of the Marvelous said...

Naturally the pot had to be for Jack! Cats understand that all things revolve around them...

Irene said...

What a great kitty. love how they know everything should be about them.

Cipriano said...

Thank you all for tuning in to my blog and seeing my lovely son, Jack.
And now -- I am actually going to attempt this transplanting process. I've never done this before and have no idea what I'm doing... all I know is that Robert Plant needs new dirt!
Happy weekend to you all!

gautami tripathy said...

AnalyRad 28:D I like the way his head disappeared from vision!!

Here is my Saturday Snapshot post!

Kailana said...

haha! That's great!

Melwyk said...

What a lovely jack-in-the-pot you have.

Cipriano said...

Melwyk -- thank you for almost making me spew forth coffee from my nostrils.
Jack-in-the-pot -- that's a kneeslapper.

Stefanie said...

That photo of Jack cracked me up! I hope the re-potting of Robert Plant was a success!

Danielle said...

Hah--what an inquisitive cat. I know all about cats and smalls spaces. I hope he was able to pull his head back out! :) My poor plants could use a little repotting, too!

Esme said...

Of course Jack is checking out the pot-isn't that what all cats do?