Just sitting here at Starbucks [again] after work and thinking.
Thinking about next week, next Thursday, at this EXACT time even, I will be at the Roger Waters “Dark Side Of The Moon” concert in Montreal.
Some of you may recall my initial blabbage about this. It seems like I bought these tickets in a previous lifetime, so long have they been sitting here!
Roger Waters [Pink Floyd]… well, I guess it is just my favorite music ever in the world, and so I am going mental wishing that next Thursday was TONIGHT.
I can’t wait.
But it’s all I can do. Wait.
Have you ever anticipated a concert so much that it pretty much drove you nuts?
If so, please let me know, so I don’t feel so alone in this….
I'm not much of a concert goer, I can count the number I have been to on my fingers and still have a few (fingers) leftover. I was really excited in thrid grade when my mom got tickets for me and my sister to the Dony and Marie Osmond concert. For a short space of time, I was the coolest kid in my class. If I had tickets for The Dark Side of the Moon though, I'd be humming with excitement :)
Thank you for your comment, Steffer.
Your comment is a total hoot.
All I can think of, is how much ANY sort of concept of Donny & Marie leaves me..... UNCOMFORTABLY NUMB!
I would probably rather pay money to see The Bay City Rollers!
Funny funny funny. The adorable kids from Provo!
The Dark Side of the Mormons tour!
Ha! you're too much :)
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