Dear Friends:
I haven't been blogging much lately. I have been preoccupied with some stuff… soon I think I will be back around.
Actually, soon I will be on vacation!
This evening I just wanted to mention how much I love where I live.
Ottawa, Ontario -- CANADA.
It never ceases to amaze me how often Ottawa is mentioned in positive ways, in surveys on Quality of Life, etc. This year for instance, Ottawa was once again ranked as the #1 Canadian city to live in -- for a whole plethora of reasons.
And just today I have read of a current survey wherein Ottawa ranks #14 GLOBALLY.
That means like on the whole PLANET! Among a field of 221 cities!
Wow! I like it.
And I love living here, in my primo-sweet high-rise spot in the very heart of it all.
Four Canadian cities are among the top 25 in the world in terms of quality of living, according to this global survey published today.
And my friend Merisi, proprietress of this excellent --> BLOG, will be happy [but probably not too shocked] to see that the overall top spot on the Mercer Quality of Living Survey goes to her very own Austrian city of Vienna.
Vancouver is the top Canadian city among 221 ranked this year, sharing the No. 4 spot with Auckland, New Zealand.
The other Canadian cities in the top 25 are Ottawa at 14, Toronto at 16 and Montreal at 21. Calgary was ranked No. 28 on the overall quality of living ranking but got the top spot on a new ecology ranking.
Sorry, my dear Yankee readers, but no American city made the top 25 on the Mercer list.
Honolulu had the top ranking in the United States at # 31.
Vive l' Ottawa!
Congratulations on living in Canada's finest city!
Not that would be any news to me, I know that from your writing about your town. ;-)
Yes, I truly feel that Vienna takes the top place deservedly. Having lived on other great cities of this world, quality and ease of life is something out of this world around here. I could go on raving .....
Have I told you that I did it (well, "they" accepted me), and went back to school? I enjoy it immensely, very challenging but the rewards are worth it. Time is an even more precious commodity now, one of the reasons I have not bragged, er, blogged about this Mercer study (yet) on my blog.
Big hug,
Good job Canada! Minneapolis got 6th in the eco-city ranking which I think is pretty awesome and is one reason why I love my city so much :)
Can I brag when my city ranked 37 on the chart? It's a dubious victory I think. :)
#1 huh? Is your presence possibly included in that plethora of reasons? ;)
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