Well, today is my 3rd Bloggiversary.
Three years of blogging. This current posting is #1,381.
But who's counting!
I love it. Blogging, I mean.
I shall not stop.
I’ve gained some super-duper friends in the blogging community, and I have learned so much from you all.
Thank you for tuning in here, at Bookpuddle, friends.
And on to the breaking news of the world…
Roger Waters has lost his flying pig!
For those of you who are not yet aware of my musical tastes, Roger Waters [of Pink Floyd fame] is perhaps my favorite artist of all time. Well, along with Eric Clapton.
The two flying pig photos on this blog posting are ones I took myself, at a Waters concert! Apparently, this legendary pig somehow broke from his moorings just a couple of nights ago, at an outdoor concert at the Coachella Valley Arts and Music Festival, in southern California.
Just floated away, while the band played on!
A $10,000 reward was offered for the recovery.
Oh, I am behind the times. Just got home and found out….
In tatters.
Read about it HERE!
Lettuce keep reading.
Lettuce keep blogging.
Lettuce keep listening to Pink Floyd!