It is true that lately I have been a lot less than... bloggerific!
Sort of in a slump as to writing, and even reading, I'll be honest. And even visiting friends in Blogland. I think that the technical difficulties will only be temporary -- and I usually don't like to talk about overly personal things on Bookpuddle -- but seriously, for the past number of months I have been dealing with nearly catastrophic bouts of insomnia.
Too much coffee? Too much late night pizza and hamburger? I don't know!
Some may think that NOT SLEEPING would afford a person MORE time to blog and/or read -- but no -- I find that I am spending an inordinate amount of time trying to get to sleep, and then the next day the relentless pace of work continues on as ever.
It slowly wears one down to a frazzle, chronic insomnia does. In other words, in my wakeful hours, I am less attentive than usual.
At any rate -- it's my Bloggiversary today.
Seven years of blogging. In that time I have posted 2,925 items.
I hope to be blogging for a long while yet, and it has been so nice to meet so many really neat people through Bookpuddle.
Everything good to you all!