-- The Prayer of Bookpuddle --
Dear God:
All I want is a little bookstore like this. I want to own it, I mean.
Just like this one in the picture would be fine.
Inside I would like to have two resident [declawed] cats, named Tolstoy and Flaubert.
Plus, towards the back of the place, a little coffee area, where lyricless ambient music plays and there are comfortable chairs. [Is this too much to ask? Is it?]
It will just be called “Bookstore”. That’s good enough. I think I’m done.
No, wait. I want it to be a lucrative venture. I want the quaintness and the cuteness and all,
but I would sort of also like to make a bit of a killing at the same time.
[Is this too much to ask? Is it?]
Please see what you can do!
Your Humble Servant
Cipriano Bookpuddle
Have a great Wednesday, y’all!