On this day, August 22nd of 1920, playwright, poet and prolific author extraordinaire Ray Bradbury was born in Waukegan, Illinois. Commenting on individualism, he maintains: “the power of any country is the sum of the total of its individuals. Each individual rich with ideas, with concepts, rich with his own revolution.”
Here (below) is a little something he said, with typical youthful optimism and humor, a week following his 82nd birthday, in 2002:
Last week I turned 82. 82! When I look in the mirror, the person staring back at me is a young boy, with a head and heart filled with dreams and excitement and unquenchable enthusiasm for life. Sure, he's got white hair -- so what! People often ask me how I stay so young, how I've kept such a "youthful" outlook. The answer is simple: Live a life in which you cram yourself with all kinds of metaphors, all kinds of activities, and all kinds of love. And take time to laugh -- find something that makes you truly happy -- every day of your life. That is what I have done, from my earliest days.
In honor of this great writer of such novels as Fahrenheit 451 and The Martian Chronicles and about a million short stories, ALL WEEK LONG I will be featuring Bradbury quotations. He is a still living (as far as I can ascertain) literary legend!
Have a great Monday!
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