This inauspicious first-page scene carries forward the weight of not just one book, but three.
In a 1992 lecture, Davies said that the last book in this trilogy could be summed up by saying... "you never can tell."
The Deptford Trilogy braids the diverse lives of three main characters who achieve their respective fame in wholly different ways. One, as a schoolteacher/hagiologist; one as an entrepeneur/financier; and the other as a master magician/illusionist. Each book focuses in its order on the above mentioned characters respectively. But the theme of "you never can tell" is consistent throughout.
In the first of the three books, FIFTH BUSINESS.... [this is where the errant snowball incident occurs] oh, where does one even begin?.... this snowball is going to cause atmospheric disturbances halfway around the world! To say that the resultant story is about the life of schoolteacher Dunstan Ramsay and his relation to the prematurely born, snowball-induced Paul Dempster, is akin to saying Niagara Falls is a precipice over which some water falls. Both things are so much MORE, and both need to be seen and experienced to be appreciated.
Davies said that he began writing Fifth Business “because for many years I had been troubled by a question: to what extent is a man responsible for the outcome of his actions, and how early in life does the responsibility begin?” The book addresses this very question..... profoundly, it does. And it is magnificent. A work of art, that is all I will say.
In the second book, THE MANTICORE, we follow David Staunton, the son of Percy Boyd Staunton, in his travels through Switzerland. David is traumatized by the death of his father [which takes place in Fifth Business] and undergoes Jungian analysis in the care of the attractive therapist Johanna von Haller. The book is really almost like a journal of this treatment, and the progress and regress that he experiences. But again, the above mentioned Niagara Falls analogy is apropos here. There is no way to exaggerate the genius of the interwoven fabric of this story. It is a gem.
But my favorite is the third book, WORLD OF WONDERS, where we powerfully re-acquaint with Paul Dempster, who has now become Magnus Eisengrim, the world’s most accomplished magician. Magnus tells his story of the intervening years, [since the fateful snowball] beginning with his grim childhood in rural Canada to his years as a day-laborer and mechanic to his eventual triumph on the international stage. Dunstan Ramsay takes over the final section of the novel and retells the story of the errant snowball, thus bringing the trilogy full circle.
Locktight brilliance!
It is brilliant how Davies disperses these characters all over the planet and then brings them back together, and while these reunions sometimes totter on the very edge of the overly contrived (or improbable), they always seem to fall back on the near side of believability. He literally stuffs the envelope of circumstance without lapsing into the absurd. We are left with the sense that the events of these stories could have happened to anyone... yet these events are, in themselves, so magnificent!
Does this mean that each of our own simple lives have similar potential for greatness?
I believe Davies would answer with a resounding "Definitely!"
He once said, "You never can tell where something quite extraordinary and unexpected will come about. In a little Ontario village three men may be born so closely together that their lives run parallel courses, who may influence the world in quite different ways."
He shows us in The Deptford Trilogy how (seemingly) insignificant beginnings can lead to tremendous endings. In fact, nothing that happens in life is insignificant.
I can't imagine anyone wading into Fifth Business and wanting out before they finished World Of Wonders.
In fact, forget the wading in. You will be more like falling off an edge, into the mist.
What is meant by the term “fifth business”?
Those roles which, being neither those of
Hero nor Heroine, Confidante nor Villain,
but which were none the less essential to
bring about the Recognition or the denouement
were called the Fifth Business in drama
and opera companies organized according
to the old style; the player who acted these
parts was often referred to as Fifth Business.
-- Tho. Overskou, Den Danske Skueplads --
Wonderful post. It brings back so many memories of highschool, when I first enountered this magical author. I'm ashamed to admit that I wasn't able to 'get into' World of Wonders when I was a teenager, and have not picked it up since. I must explore it now, as an adult. Perhaps because 'Fifth Business' was my first experience with Davies and his astounding mind, it still remains my treasured favourite. I even met the man once, in the 80s, in Burlington, where he was giving a talk on the novel 'The Rebel Angels'.
Was it not the beautifully hideous Leisl who explained to Dunstan the significance of Fifth Business and how it related to his own life? I adored that novel so much that I even wrote a pretentious poem about Liesl's perception of Dunstan, and for some strange reason, named one of my pet rabbits Leisl. Years later I had the chance to illustrate an article for The Hamilton Spectator where I actually got to draw a portrait of Mr. Robertson Davies; it was one of those delicious serendipitous moments, I must confess.
Blather, blather.
You MET Robertson Davies?
A while ago, in the Mall, one of these people with the clipboards stopped me as I was going into HMV, and I was all primed to shoo him away.... I already have too many credit cards... but he blurts out "If you could speak with any non-living Canadian, who would it be?"
SCREECH! [The sound of me halting!]
See... I LIKE these kind of questions. And I thought, and I thought, and just as steam was coming out of my ears, and the Clipboard Guy was about to move on to some nearby shopper who does NOT have Alzheimer's, I said it... "Robertson Davies."
Instantly the guy jotted it down and asked me a reason for my answer. And I simply said "Because my world is a world of literature, and I think that Robertson Davies is Canada's greatest not-alive writer. He wrote LITERATURE."
And you.... you MET him.
I am green.
I am reading a bio "Robertson Davies -- Man of Myth" It gives much background which forther enhances the enjoyment of that trilogy (and others). Curiously, the quote about the "Fifth Business" was actually completely made up. That did not come to light until the translation of the book into Norwegian.
Very interesting Aaron.
I also have the book "Man of Myth" on my shelf, but have yet to read it.
Isn't Davies a fascinating character though?
Truly, he was one of a kind.
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