See, I love living downtown.
The picture to the left is a northwest view from my kitchen window. Views from the balcony are much grander.
Bridges. Boats.
City lights. My entire main room and bedroom wall is window! I am an urbanite to the core, when it comes down to it.
I like the underground-parkingness of where I currently live.
I can just saunter out the door of my building and within minutes, I am amid the babble of tourists and all manner of people asking me for money. Within walking distance of an Art Gallery, a hundred Starbucks locations, a beautiful river with its long winding walkway and bikepath. Tennis courts across the street. A quiet neighborhood. Swimming pool right here. Extremely quiet building, of which I have the coveted top floor, corner apartment.
Yet, I am considering moving.
But I do not WANT to.
I LOVE living here!
It is just that it seems that I could save a fair amount of money, living elsewhere. Lately I have been looking in the newspaper and also in the Real Estate magazine and there are all sorts of places I could rent for less of an amount than I am paying here.
I shudder to think what a NEW tenant would be paying for my place right now. I am currently enjoying the reduced rate because I have been here so long of a time [nine years]. If I was a new tenant, I would not be able to afford this place.
But as it is… it is sort of getting expensive.
To make a long story short, if I moved to another similar apartment, in a less-desirable [to me] location, I could probably save about $200 a month. Or, [wait, let me consult my abacus]…. $2,400 a year.
What would you do?
I’ve asked Jack about it, but all he does is meow!
He loves it here too, I know he does, and this is how I interpret his most recent meows.
Is 2,400 clams a year a fair price to pay to live where you want to live?
[Keep in mind that this $2,400 is not an investment, I never will see this money again, plus, I am not in a position to buy a place. I must continue to rent, until the royalties from my invention… The Zero-Flatulence Pill© begin to roll in.]
Poor Perplexed. Listen to Jack. I am hoping you have a decent 401k or Canadian equivalent already established for your golden years and this opinion is based on that assumption, seeing as how you seem to be such a highly intelligent man. Yes, money is important, but truthfully now, what would you actually do with the $200/mo that would be equal to the amount of soulful pleasure, peace of mind and sense of happiness that you apparently receive from living in your current locale? Would you actually invest it in some high yield fund? No? Are you going hungry and that money would mean a life saving larger ration of Ramen Noodles? No again? Then stay put...From what I have read of your life as written thus far you do not seem to have a spouse/significant other and/or children in the wings to worry about. Our time here is so painfully short. Happiness usually comes disguised as small, ordinary doses of daily moments that slip by if we are unaware. These moments are to be savoured and enjoyed. If you move you will hate it and be sorry for all the things you have given up that you admittedly will not be able to afford again anytime soon. $200 bucks a month is a small price for contentment in this world. Make some coffee and enjoy the view with Jack.
See, not to discourage any well-reasoned yea-sayers out there, but this.... this seems like good, thoughtful advice to me.
Thank you, Cleo!
"Meow," says Jack!
Very good advice from Cleo. You have the ultimate decision of course, but it seems to me you really want to stay where you are. And the view! Wow! Something else to also consider, with all the great stuff so close you can walk, what would it be like in the other place? Would you be spending more on transportation? And would it take you longer to get to work or places you like to go?
Dear Perplexed
I'm some what in the same boat as you, only I have to move as my girlfriend left me and I can't afford my current place. I could move to the south end where I would save at least $100, but I dont' really want to leave my neighbourhood, so I'll probably get an over-priced appartment right next door to where I'm currently living. It's worth it to me though to live close to the places I like to hang out. Other wise I'd probably buy a huge house out in the country.
Cip, you relish in your downtownness...and you love your little apartment with the nice view. My advice, for what it's worth is to stay put until you are ready to buy. Until then, you should savour what you enjoy the most. Unless of course the Chapters will let you set up a cardboard box or two in the upstairs corner...now that would be a "home".
Hey, really smashing advice all!
I think that Jack and I will probably stay put.
You all bring up some really good issues to consider. Cleo's got a good point.... what would I do with that extra $200 anyway? Probably just buy more books!
So... I will stay here, and maybe just go to the Library more often.
Or start stealing stuff!
Hey.... now I'm onto something..... [Jack is shaking his head and looking very disppointed with me.... all of a sudden he's Aslan or something!]
Good advice Ranter.
Someone else said something very similar to me, after reading my blog.
Along the lines that I should consider doing something about my income... buy a condo downtown.
I would so love to be able to do that. But I am lazy. Unutterably lazy aboout re-inventing myself.
How about you get yourself married Cip (you know, make yourself an honest man!)??? That way, you can split the rent with someone else. At the very least, I'd up Jack's rent...he seems to be getting off too easy if you ask me.
Again, very good point Cold Mol.
Perhaps a nice Wench would settle me down nice.
[One with a good career in high gear!]
And you're right about Jack! TOTAL freeloader!
That's great..
...do you think that I am talking about the view? No, it is the fact that the comment window unexpectedly opened.
The view and the photo are beautiful.
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