I forget where it was, but I saw the following picture somewhere:

This photo SO captures the moment, at the opening of the story.
I have not seen the movie, but I can attest that the book itself, is a six stars out of five, affair.
So, I was reminded of a review I once wrote. Since this review, [originally posted on amazon] I have read many more McEwan books. He has never disappointed me.
Enduring Love

Makes you think about "what went before."
This happened because of this, that happened because of that, and so on.
It all fits so tightly in retrospect. Results or consequences escalate in a measure that seems impossible to predict. All good authors do this to some extent, I mean, that's what "plot" is all about... but McEwan could teach others to do it better!
With Black Dogs it is the incident with the vicious dogs on the path. With Amsterdam a lot of the consequences have to do with the seemingly innocuous pact made between the two men.
Here in Enduring Love, this ballooning accident sets in motion events that no-one (especially Joe or his wife Clarissa) would have ever been able to predict. In a MILLION years. This is truly a brilliant book about fanatical obsession and the insidious way that a loving relationship can be infiltrated and ruined by forces from outside of that relationship. This happened in a more roundabout way in the other two books I've mentioned, but here in Enduring Love it's right up front. Wow, it's just an amazing book. I unreservedly recommend Enduring Love to anyone who likes a good psychological thriller... something you just can't put down for too long.
And thanks to McEwan's book, if I'm ever part of an impromptu hot-air balloon rescue crew, I will be sure to NOT smile at any of my team members!
Quit reading me.
If you have not yet done so, buy the book.
This is the one about a balloon accident right? I was thinking about it, but now with your steelproof opinion, it's for grip. :)
It's a great book Matt. Uneqivocably, reccomended by me.
You are very bad for my wallet and entertainment budget. I have Black Robe on the way from interlibrary loan so this one must wait a bit. I shall simply have to add it to the ever spreading TBR puddle.
Cleo, interestingly enough, this is one of my goals in life. To make people buy so many books that they go loony!
Like I myself have long ago, done!
The best to you!
Keep buying.
Incidentally, Brian Moore's book The Great Victorian Collection is so good that you should really get it. AND.... his An Answer From Limbo is way even BETTER! I am being serious.
When it comes to budgeting, I am living the "BOOKS BEFORE CLOTHING" rule!
You should see how horridly I am dressed, eight days of the week.
But my bookshelves have long ago overfloweth!
Onto the floor and every table in sight....
I can picture you now, Cip, surrounded by hundreds and hundreds of books... buck naked.
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