"At Christmas, I no more desire a rose
Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth.
But like of each thing that in season grows."
-- from Love's Labor's Lost –
Merry Christmas!
Than wish a snow in May's new-fangled mirth.
But like of each thing that in season grows."
-- from Love's Labor's Lost –
Merry Christmas!
I have some great Christmas Day news!
I called Claude last night. He is my professional catsitter/caregiver.
Seems that Jack has made a full recovery.

[Poor Jack, suffering the humiliation of my divulging public information about his bowel situation!] Poor kitty. Poor kitty.
On the heels of this good news, I nearly feel off my chair when I opened a certain Christmas card containing a monetary gift which will more than pay for my entire trip to Mexico next month!
Alas, along with the above good news, there lurketh some bad.
I weighed myself.
On a digital scale… the kind that do not lie.
A few days ago, when I arrived here, it read 177.5 pounds.
This morning it said 183.
I wish I was kidding.
And there is a whole turkey [another one] waiting to be eaten, tonight.
There is gravy in my bloodstream!
Come on, 183 pounds is the right weight for a strong, healthy man!
I have put on weight too, who doesn't in this part of the year? Shall we abstain from all pleasures of which this is the less harmful?
You're right, May!
'Tis the season to indulge!
It's just that I am running out of belt-loop holes!
Happy Holidays to you!!! :)
Were you holding on to the turkey at the time??? Just couldn't let go of the leg (or are you a breast man)???
Merry Christmas!
Digital scales do so too lie!
I'm glad Jack's all right. Happy holidays, Cip.
Glad Jack has recovered and you Christmas is merry. And those extra pounds, isn't that what New Year's Resolutions are for?
Great news! Merry Christmas!
Stefanie, my New Year's Resolution thus far is to just stay away from Burger King... to basically lower my grease-intake a bit!
Thank you all for your Yuletide comments and advice.
Cold Mol --> The answer to your last question is BOTH.
Leg[s] & breast[s]... and everything between.
And I feel the same way about turkey.
Hey Cip,
Merry Christmas. Look at it this way, with all the grease you're slugging back, you won't have Jack's problem any time soon.
Now if only I could read, I would sit down by the fire and crack open one of the books I recieved for Christmas. Oh well, back to the Nascar races on the tube ...
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