A thousand blogs!
Holy moly!
You may have noticed lately that the onetime superb quality of my overall bloggitry has sort of waned.
Like, I don’t know… perhaps the last 4 or 5 hundred of them? If you haven’t noticed it, well, I have!
I haven’t been feeling quite as “on the mark” as I would like to be feeling.
Does that ever happen to you?
I’ve been having hmmm…. Blog Undulations!
I’ve been neither reading nor writing nearly as much as I would want!
I’ve been overworked. Overtired. A few personal issues have been really distracting me. All in all, it makes for a poor blogging climate.
Having said this depressing stuff, I have yet one more thing to add.
It is like a combination of Exultant Joy and Concussive Woe.
First, the joyful part is that my home team, the Ottawa Senators, having defeated their nemesis, the Buffalo Sabres, are FINALLY GOING TO THE STANLEY CUP FINALS!
For those of you who may not be savvy to what I am even talking about, the Ottawa Senators are an NHL Hockey team, and umm…. hockey is the only sport in the world! [‘Specially if you’re Canadian, eh?]
And the Stanley Cup, well, that is the Holy Grail of… Hockeydom!
So, my beloved Senators will soon be starting their best-of-seven series against the Anaheim Mighty Ducks.
Now, here is the Concussive Woe part!
I have had tickets to an upcoming Roger Waters concert for about the past five months!

Murphy's Law! → The Senators’ arena [Scotiabank Place] has Game Four booked in as June 4th, at 8 p.m.
Guess when the concert, booked in the same arena, is supposed to start?
June 4th. 8 p.m.
Unless that theory of parallel universes is a reality, these two things AIN'T A'GONNA HAPPEN SIMULTANEOUSLY!
In other words, the hockey game has ousted the concert.
Hockey is all of a sudden more important than The Dark Side of The Moon?
And I was ALREADY having a bad week!
So, I called the ticket place today and demanded an explanation.
Will I get a refund? Will the concert be rescheduled? Should I just kill myself?
The guy on the phone said, “We are not at liberty to discuss the matter quite yet, sir. We are expecting a press release later this afternoon.”
I said, “Yes, but…. the concert is cancelled, am I right?”
“We are not at liberty to discuss…..” he went on, like a robot!
I haven’t been this disappointed since, well, since the Senators lost to Buffalo in last year’s playoffs!
You boys BETTER win that Stanley Cup…. since you’ve now ruined my evening of psychedelic rock n’ roll!
Oh, Cip. I think this spells the end of us.
I arrived in Ottawa pre-(modern-era)Sens, when Ottawans were fairly equally divided between Leafs and Habs fans. No new allegiance was conceivable.
Shouldn't you have been rooting for something vaguely western?
Oh you whicked man of the North! Going down in quality "the last 4 or 5 hundred" of your blog entries? You want to entice us latecomers to look into the first 800 of them, isn't it so?
(Excuse my poor attempt at humour - as my kids would tell me, this is not funny, mom!)
Of course you made me go down the blog path, and check how many posts I managed to put out there somehow. Well, I am way behind you. :-)
So congratulations, and try to look on the bright side of the ticket disaster: What a pity, if both events would have happened on the same day, and at the same time! Which one would you rather have missed? Imagine the fun, though, of seeing both events in the same arena at the same time! To miss out on that one, really IS the pits! :-( ?!
I also have tickets for roger waters in Ottawa and two plane tickets from Newfoundland just to go to this concert! Here it is Friday and still no news on the fate of the concert. I went ahead and got tickets for Game 4 (same night as concert) just incase, since I will be there anyway... I cant beleive there is still no conclusion to this scheduling issue! (Cross our fingers for Sunday of Tuesday as a new concert date)
I've been reading your blog for awhile Cip and I can't say that I have noticed a dip in quality, maybe it's just your feelings about them?
What a drag about the concert being bumped by the hockey game. Of course maybe they will have Roger Waters do the half-time show and you can have both Water and hockey in one delicious evening :)
Good news Cip...I left you a VM on this as well...concert rescheduled to June 6...so you'll have to wait an extra 2 days, but if all goes according to plan, the Sens will have won the cup at that point (knock on wood) and your drug induced state at the Roger Waters concert will be all the more blissful.
Oh yeah...forgot to mention...the bad news is that IF the Sens need game 5, it will be happening right when you are at the concert. So when you leave the concert and see thousands of crazy looking people in red, don't think you've died and are surrounded by devils and demons...even though the drugs may make you think that's what you are seeing. No...it will just have been that you missed watching the Sens win the cup (knock on wood).
Sorry about that :(
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