Your own winning literary style must begin with interesting ideas in your head. Find a subject you care about and which in your heart feel others should care about. It is this genuine caring, and not your games with language, which will be the most compelling and seductive element in your style. -- Kurt Vonnegut --
Have a great Tuesday!
YES!! So true. I've been thinking that a lot lately. See? I'm just as smart as ol' Kurt.
YES!! So true. I've been thinking that a lot lately. See? I'm just as smart as ol' Kurt.
What a wise man.
(Kurt Vonnegut, I mean. And, I guess, you too.)
So sorry about Ottawa's loss. Truly. And I've become a pariah in my own home for rooting for them. My sons do not.
Loved Redden's goal. (He's the only Ottawa player I really like.)
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