I already know that!
The decent [unhorned] folk will leave me!
Because see, I am going to suggest that you all should love AC/DC as much as I do!
And I know, ahead of time, that most of you [those that do not wear running shoes and white socks, four days of the week, as I do]… you are going to criticize me.
You are going to tell me to grow up.
Michael Buble is the new normal.
Josh Groban!
Josh Groban?
You should get the new Maroon 5! You’ll be converted.
I do not want to get with it.
I want to keep listening to AC/DC.
Like I did tonight.
Listened to this very DVD, [shown above] on a system comprising the furthest advances of companies such as JBL, Sony, Samsung, and Pioneer… we [us middle-aged guys] have been able to assimilate this masterpiece tonight, as though we were sitting in this very concert!
[Minus the second-hand smoke!]
I will not tell you if there was any first-hand smoke.
Such information is restricted. Classified. Not for the curious blog-ears.
All I know is that [post-concert] my eyeballs have a different postal code!
The only important thing for you to know is that [site-counter be damned]….. I LOVE AC/DC.
If they came to my city and the tickets were $400?
I would even buy YOU a ticket.
Thing is, it is all about energy and passion.
If I would have run HALF the mileage Angus did, on his many stage-runways, in this one concert, I would have died from no less than eight consecutive heart attacks.
I can respect that kind of stamina.
These guys have got that, in spades.
Buy this DVD, and you’ll see what I mean.
Ok, this could explain why you don't know the music of Nat King Cole.
Your brain has been fried by head-banger music!!!
You know, if you make it to Melbourne in Australia you can walk down AC/DC lane, and in Perth you can visit Bon Scott's grave!
21 gun salute to you!
Can the musical taste of a man whose eyeballs inhabit a different postal code be trusted?
That is a darn good qurestion, Beth.
Thanks for the salute, anonymous.
And wow, a for-real Aussie invitation. I would love to walk down AC/DC lane, Marg.
Yes, Patricia. I am still Nat King Cole-challenged!
Today I am toning it down a peg or two.
Listening to some John Tesh!
I'm not an AC/DC fan but I still like you anyway Cip :)
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