-- Holden, in ch.17 of Catcher In The Rye –
Here’s a little quick morning exercise for you.
How many of the Top 10 Banned Books of the 20th Century have you read, you naughty thing, you?
I’ve read five of them. Click → HERE.
LOOK SWELL, and have a great Thursday!
I read seven of them!
Why does that make me feel so proud of myself?
(I can't include Tropic of Cancer - I only peeked at the good parts. When I was a kid. Of course.)
Woo Hoo...I got nine! I know what you mean Beth..I feel like a real success. I really need a life. Tropic of Cancer is my odd man out too.
It's seven for me, as well. I guess I know what my next three books should be now. If only that meant anything in my real life reading.
I've only read four, so I guess I'm not quite as naughty as you. I have a few others on my list, though...
Woo! I've read 7 of them!
Just six so far. Ask me again next year. :)
I've read six of them. Cool.I'm a rebel!!
So far, the winner of most BANNED BOOKS read is someone who emailed me privately, saying she read 8 of them.
You know what? I don't think I will EVER get to that one. Even though a friend highly recommended it to me. I don't know. It always seems so retarded to me, Ulysses does.
Slaughterhouse Five, now THERE'S the one I want to read.
Wait a minute.
Cleo, in fact, wins. Reading NINE of these scandalous things!
Has anyone.... even SATAN himself, read all ten?
Who are you calling Satan????? 10 for
me!! I am a vewwy bad girl!
Ulysses has some vulgar parts, but you really have to look out for them and then use your imagination. Tropic of Cancer is rather scandalous, but Tropic of Capricorn is much worse. I just don't understand why Catcher in the Rye was ever band. There isn't even anything racy in it... The Old Testement is much worse then any of these books combined though...
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