Nowadays, no walking is needed.
Plastic numbers will send tame ones
Around the globe at a click. Try it.
Think of someone in need, first.
Potted, wrapped, still dripping with dew.
Carded and be-ribboned, only idiots
And madmen sidestep such efficiency
Or walk somewhere.
I thought all of this before yesterday,
When… on a hillside I knelt as though
The world were a cathedral. And knew
That I can only enjoy this, by staying.
© Ciprianowords Inc. 2008
I had to read it twice, and let the words sink into my mind. Beautiful poem, Cipriano!
Thank you Jeane, for reading me ONCE.... much moreso, twice.
Many of my poems need a third glance, even from me myself, to start truly understanding what is going on.
The best to you,
-- Cipper the Insomniac...
Heavenly. You truly are gifted. You must publish a collection of your best poems one day...
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