-- George Eliot, in Middlemarch, ch.56 –
As I have heard it said, “Those who love their work, add five days to their week.”
My week has two days.
Saturday and Sunday.
The days I am not working.
If today I won the Big Lottery [which is currently at 43 Million clams and I have two tickets, so I have a damn good chance at the thing…] I would definitely quit my job.
If you, dear reader, would keep working where you currently work, after winning $43,000,000… I envy you. I really do.
Because you are living SEVEN days a week, instead of just the two!
More power to you!
Have a great Wednesday!
I hear you! (except I am sure that I have the winning ticket...)
No WE'VE got the winning ticket! (heh).
I got Guy to buy three!
Good luck to you, Cippy!
Good luck!
As to your work, dear Cip,
remember the long discussion we had about it some time ago?
I wished you'd grasp for the one straw or other, you would make so many people happy!
Seems like NONE of us have won, huh?
How can something so EASY be so IMPOSSIBLE?
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