We will never achieve human maturity until we let go and take leave of this parent substitute. Jesus is not to God what Clark Kent was to Superman. Jesus was a human life so deeply lived, a human life through which love flowed without barrier or interception, a being so courageously present that he was open to the ground of all being. He had stepped from self-consciousness into a universal consciousness that brings us into a profound oneness with all there is. He had become one with God. -- John Shelby Spong, in Eternal Life: A New Vision --
To me this is much more powerful of a statement than any Jesus as God idea I can fathom. It means so much to each of us, as far as personal potential goes.
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To me this is much more powerful of a statement than any Jesus as God idea I can fathom. It means so much to each of us, as far as personal potential goes.
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