You know, lately, what with the change of seasons and all and that thing they do with the clocks, I am waking up when it is dark out and I'm setting the alarm of my building at work when it is..... [can you guess the next words?]........ yeah, WHEN IT IS DARK OUT.
This just isn't right.
Because it leaves so little time for more important things.
Like -----
1) drinking coffee.
2) Reading, while drinking coffee.
3) Eating a hamburger after you've had enough of the above.
4) Switching to beer, later on.
Stuff like that.
But it's the weekend. Lettuce be thankful.
I mean -- work is screwing up my entire life, I'm sorry.
Now, take a look at this picture here:

See, that is a photo is of an actual Library somewhere in Australia.
I am adopting it as my Personal Version of Heaven.
Here is what I want to happen... --
So I win the Lottery, and that week it just happened to be $20 million.
$22 million.
So I buy a house next to this Library.
I know you want more. But there IS no more!
Leave me alone. I'll be fine.
Leave me alone.
Leave me alone, leave me alone, leavemealoneleavemealone!
Well, that’s quite the short story.
Dream larger - with 22 million perhaps you could buy such a library, build a house beside it, plus have a Starbucks (for coffee) & a Harvey’s (for the hamburger addiction) nearby!
Lovely dream. Perhaps the library would let you actually live in it if you had all that money.
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