Today is my birthday. This is why I slept in.
As of today, I am 46 years old.
Those who know me know that I do not act my age.
I am much sillier than any 46-year old geezer should be.
For instance, in the above photograph, why am I wearing my underwear on the lower portion of my face? There is an explanation, I assure you, but you probably don't really want to know!
My workplace allows us our birthdays off... and today is my day to take advantage of this perk.
Hence, I missed the posting of my Splash du Jour today. I was sleeping.
Then, a friend and I went to Bigg's for breakfast.
Bigg's is a restaurant where the breakfasts are -- bigg!
Then we stopped in at the theater where we got some tickets to the IMAX version [in 3D] of A Christmas Carol.
Then we stopped here at Chapters where we are enjoying a grande amount of good Starbucks coffee!
He is working on the creation of his own website/blog, and I am reading the latter stages of John Irving's Last Night in Twisted River.
Mac laptops back to back.
Say that quickly five times in a row!
Anyhoo, just dropping by to say -- if you want to join us for the movie, it starts at 4:30.
Come on! Take the afternoon off!
It'll be fun.
Scrooge's nose will be the size of Abraham Lincoln's on Mount Rushmore!
How often in life do you get to see such a spectacle?

Happy Birthday and stay silly - it keeps you looking and feeling younger!
It seems that you're having a wonderful day. I am happy for you!
My boys are seeing the 3D movie next Friday.
Happy Birthday! I knew there was a reason I chose to have one of my Canadian fruit bars today! (order specially from Canada, because we can't get Sun-Rype fruit bars in the U.S.!) May your next year be filled with warm-a schwarma washed down with coffee and hot dog juice!
Happy B'Day.
Happy birthday, Cip!
I also once worked for a place where a day off on your birthday was written into your contract. Nobody ever believes me about that anymore.
I had a birthday a couple weeks ago but for various reasons I'm treating today as a kind of replacement day for it. And I'm raising an alcohol-filled glass to you right now!
Happy belated birthday! How awesome that you got your birthday off from work. None of the places I worked ever did that (although one did lay me off the week of my birthday, but that's another story).
I hope you had a wonderful day!
Happy birthday!
Boone Fête Cippy!
Happy Birthday! I love the perk of having your birthday off; sounds like you took advantage of it. :)
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