Hmmm.... maybe I should see a doctor about that!
Anyhoo, just wanted to drop by and say a few words about how much I am truly loving the discovery of Joyce Carol Oates.
Have any of you read her?
Wow -- I think she is fantastic.
I am approaching the halfway point in this book called The Heart Laid Bare.
A wonderful turn-of-the-century tale of an American family of con-artists.
In January I read the Oates novel The Falls, and now this. I want to submerge myself in the plethora of her output!
Hmmm.... maybe I should see a doctor about that, too?
So, I am new to this Land of Sprawling Oates. Seriously, hasn't she written something like 300 novels or something?
I know that some of you out there love her, too.
What is your favorite Oates book?
Basically.... [if my doctor allows it] which one should be next, for me?
I'm right now shamefully confessing that I haven't read even one of her books, but I'll change that after reading your blog!
I've been really tired and blad lately too. I'm blaming it on winter! I've only read a few Oates stories excerpted in anthologies. They were good and I have a couple of her books on my shelves but just haven't gotten around to cracking them open yet.
Don’t fret about that “submerging” thing (although it sounds somewhat kinky) – just be grateful you have so much more of her work to look forward to.
I loved We Were the Mulvaneys.
Was not too keen on My Sister, My Love.
Do get a hold of some Oates. You will not be disappointed.
This Oates waif is worth putting on your To-Be-Read list!
The Mulvaneys thing was an Oprah book, [hence, Oates probably immediately bought a bigger mansion...] the other one is a remaindered book at Chapters.
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