Recently a friend asked me a question that I had to ponder for quite a while.
I don't take questions lightly -- I rarely give an immediate answer.
And so I really had to think, because the answer to this question could have gone in so many directions. My head was spinning. I started to salivate…
The question was this:
If you could have only one last meal, what would it be?
Being of an analytical nature, I wanted more information.
You mean after this meal I am going to die or something, be executed?
See -- to me, that clarification is important, because if this is what we're talking about, I don't think I would want to eat at all. I would be too sad.
We determined that the scenario is just that after this meal, you would be nourished in other ways that did not include food. Some sort of intravenous system. So, basically -- it is the equivalent of asking, What is your favourite meal?
This simplified things.
Visions of all manner of [mostly] unhealthy meat-related items went grilling and steaming and pan-frying through my mind -- but finally, with a smile, I hit on the very thing. [The above image is a rather blatant giveaway.]
I want turkey and mashed potatoes, with gravy all over.
Some stuffing? Hell, yes! Perhaps some glazed carrots on the side.
The kind of turkey that when you cut into the thing it just oozes. Not dry turkey, no… I don't want turkey that was running a treadmill before they lopped its head off.
No. I want the laziest turkey that ever lived.
I want to eat a couch-potato turkey WITH potatoes! [On my couch!]
My favourite meal. There you have it. Let's quit talking. Roast that bird.
Hand me the fork. The knife. The defibrillator.
Please feel free to respond in the comments with your own answer to this earth-shattering philosophical question.
Bon appétit!
Mmmh ... this is making me hungry.
For me it is roast beef, oven roasted potatos, yorkshire puddyings, and steam pudding for dessert.
Oh, you know what? That's sounding pretty good, too.
Mmmmm.... roast cow!
I'm with you on this.
Pizza's got to be in there somewhere, too.
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