Saturday, December 17, 2011

One Big Spider!

I live just down the street from The National Art Gallery of Canada, here in Ottawa.
In front of the Gallery stands a giant sculpture of a spider, created in 1999 by artist Louise Bourgeois, and installed in 2005.
I remember the very day, I watched them installing the thing with big cranes, and workmen countersinking the spider-feet into the stones.
Last weekend I was walking past just as a jet crossed the sky, leaving a vapor trail in perfect juxtaposition. I snapped this shot -- I thought the effect was as if the spider had just descended from outer space, on this slender white thread.
A couple more pics
--> HERE.

Many thanks to Alyce for hosting this wonderful Saturday Snapshot meme.


Leslie (Under My Apple Tree) said...

Wow, that really is a big spider. I've never seen a photo of that sculpture before.

The picture with Parliament in the background has an eerie scifi effect to it. I like it.

gautami tripathy said...

This is too wonderful...

Here is my Saturday

(Diane) Bibliophile By the Sea said...

Very very creepy piece of art.

Staci said...

The vapor trail is way too cool! What an awesome shot! Why would these choose a huge spider though for this piece of art? Just curious....

Trish said...

Hey I know that spider! It's such a nifty sculpture, isn't it? I even have a few pictures of my own around here somewhere.

Anonymous said...

That is a very cool photo.

Kaye said...

Yikes!! I wouldn't want to see that spider in my house. Makes for great art, though.

Anonymous said...

What a great shot, spider and trail!

Paulita said...

I see the descending spider strand. Yikes. That is one big spider. Here's My Saturday Snapshot

Laurel-Rain Snow said...

Definitely better in sculptured form than in real life!

What an awesome creation.


Margaret @ BooksPlease said...

Oooh - that's creepy.

Nise' said...

How awesome!

Helen's Book Blog said...

This is a fantastic piece of art! Someday I hope I see it in person

Sheila (Bookjourney) said...

That is really cool! They could use that in a sci-fi movie!

Jill Buck said...

Neat sculpture and photo!

Alyce said...

Well, I guess I can check that off my list of places to live. ;) That is a neat snapshot with the white trail, I'm just not a fan of spiders.

edgar said...

That's a big spider.
How does a sculptor think when to create a large or small sculpture?

Peppermint Ph.D. said...

not a spider fan, so this gives me the creeps...that white line looks like a piece of web he/she has just descended wreak havoc on the puny humans below! Yikes!

Louise said...

Great spotting

Marie said...

Oh, nice timing! I'm not fond of spiders, but this sculpture is really long as it doesn't move. ;)

Melwyk said...

Thanks for giving this arachnophobe weeks worth of nightmares with this photo!! But you are right, it does look just like a giant alien spider descending from the heavens...ok, back to the nightmares now!

Cipriano said...

Thank you all for visiting Bookpuddle and for your lovely reactions to the Gi-Normo-Spider!
-- Cip

Stefanie said...

Great sculpture and what a fun moment you caught!