The saving grace of this blog posting will be its brevity.
I will not belabor or travail over it. I'll cut the umbilical cord really quickly.
It's just a trivial thing I wanted to mention, with the main purpose of perhaps seeing if there is a single person out there that is as weird as I am.
OK -- here's the deal -- when I begin reading a book, especially one written by an author I have never read before, and I am in the midst of reading that book, and I find myself in a bookstore [which I do nearly every single day of my life]……… "Hey, Cipriano, I thought you said you were not going to belabor the point and….."
Shhhh… I'm just about to say it now --> I find that I love to GO to the place on the shelves of the bookstore where the author's stuff can be found. I love to look at their other books, as though these are as yet unsought by anyone. And [go figure, cheapo that I am] usually, my own copy is a used one, to boot.
I don't know why I do this.
But I do.
For instance, I was a virgin to my last two authors -- Hilary Mantel and Jeffrey Eugenides. With each, I went to the shelves of the bookstore and drooled all over the other books I was not reading at the time. I was swooning, anticipating further adventures before I was done with the current one.
Is this what is referred to as being a "bookslut"?
I don't think you are weird at all. While I don't go to a bookstore and drool over the author's other books one the shelf, I do look up what else they have written and imagine reading them one day. Of course, this could mean we are both weird, but I'm going to go out on a limb and say I bet quite a lot of readers do something similar.
If you're a "bookslut" - so am I.
I think we're in good company.
Guilty as charged. Yep, I'm another "bookslut".
I just finished To Kill A Mockingbird...again. I've read it so often I forget how many times. Going to see the movie at SilverCity right now with your homie.
Life is good!
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