I'm in the final moments of a truly great week away from work, and even home.
During my retreat away from reality, I visited an art gallery. As I wandered around the place I observed an artist in progress. He was carving a section of wood and at his feet was a much larger unfinished work. We struck up a conversation and I began to truly admire the finished stuff on display, specifically the centerpiece.
To make a long story short -- I bought it.
It's entitled Raven Bringing The Sun, and the artist is Peter Paylor.
A sampling of his work can be seen -- HERE.
I'm looking forward to the return to my apartment where I have a special area in mind for this raven wing. It's always so neat to meet local artists, truly gifted in their craft. Peter was able to tell me not only of the origin of this specific piece of cedar, but also the birthplace of the rock that serves as its pedestal.
My friend and I have since tried to count the rings in this piece of wood, and it's somewhere around fifty. I will continue to age, but the artist has taken this medium and created something timeless out of it.
Thanks, once again, to Alyce from At Home With Books for hosting this wonderful Saturday Snapshot meme.
What a beautiful piece of art!
Gorgeous art work - I love the warmth of timber. I see you're reading The Cat's Table - I really enjoyed and llok forward to hearing your comments.
A piece of art to be treasured for years to come. Beautiful!
What an inspired artist! Even the cross section of the piece of wood looks like a wing.
This is a gorgeous piece -- love it -- what talent.
Beautiful work ... I love that you bought it in a moment of inspiration ... how nice to support local artists and artisans!
A beautiful piece of art – and a lovely reminder of your holiday.
I checked out the site and will go back again.
I absolutely adore artistic renderings, especially those using a unique medium, like the wood here. Thanks for sharing...
I love finding that perfect piece that you must have!!
It looks wonderful.
How amazing to know the history of the art piece--both the artist and the medium itself.
Wow, that is beautiful and unique! Knowing the story behind its origin makes it even better I'm sure.
What a lovely souvenir to bring home. It always feels good to support local artists and local businesses, doesn't it?
That's gorgeous!
That's lovely! I love a chance to get away from work and revitalize.
That is a great looking peace of art. Congratulations.
I agree with everyone else... this is truly a stunning piece of work. The type that has you staring and thinking forever.
Wood has such warm, even after it is finished into a piece of art! Just gorgeous!
LOL! loved your comment on my photo, thanks for stopping by and visiting me!
Thank you all for your visits to Bookpuddle and your lovely comments. I am now returned from my hiatus and installing this terrific work of art into its new home!
-- Cheers!
I can see the way the wing is captured in the wood. Enjoy having this in your home.
Absolutley gorgeous!
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